Monday, November 21, 2011

IELTS Listening - Form Completion


It's time to practice form completion.

A) First, we will listen to some audio files. Your teacher will hand you a paper copy of the activity for you to do. Just answer the questions, and when you are done, we will move to part B!

B) I want you to take a look at some of the difficult words fro the listening. Study these words using the FLASHCARDS.

C) Go to the ONLINE ASSESSMENT and download the files you see there. You will do the same listening activity that you did previously, but this time you will do it by yourself, and you will answer the questions using the online form. As you listen, take note of any differences in your answers. Did you hear things differently the second time?

D) SELF PRACTICE 01: Answer the questions, then mark yourself. Be sure to check the banding conversion chart to see your band!


Just so you know, this question type has five versions (forms, notes, tables, flow charts, and summaries) and for each version, there are two types - A) choosing answers from a list of words, or B) using up to three words from the audio.

This means that this questions type has 10 possible versions! Take a look and see for yourself


A) Watch the video below. It explains the five versions and gives you a chance to practice them. If the video is taking too long to play, download it!

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