Monday, April 19, 2010

QUIZ on Wednesday April 21 2010

Dear all,
Quiz #1 for LC4 is coming this Wednesday. Are you prepared?
The quiz will test you on Vocabulary and Grammar studied in Unit 10 of the IELTS Foundation Book.
You should review the text
  • On pages 104-105 because it contains many vocabulary words related to PREVENTING DISEASE. Basically, health!
  • On page 107 , there are quite a few vocabulary words with many meanings. It would be wise to review those, including the classroom exercises seen earlier.
  • On page 108, whereas / while are important when comparing data.
  • On page 111, prepositions are to be reviewed and practiced accordingly.
  • On page 112, countables / uncountables.
  • you may also practice online.

All the best,


Sunday, April 18, 2010


Our first quiz of the new term is this Wednesday. Make sure are familiar with the following topics:



See definitions on page 107 of your text book

Study Tip: Look up the words at this dictionary site, Merriam - Webster's Learners Dictionary. This is a better dictionary for the ESL learner:

Also, visit our concordancer to study many real-world examples of the word:


Know the difference between: While vs. Whereas ; See page 108, text book

Know the difference between: many, any ; every , all ; See page 112

Review your class work with dependent prepositions

Good Luck Gentlemen !
G11 Team,

Hope this week started in full wing ! Have a fruitful one!
A few sites to share with you, countability (as in book unit 10) is also on the quiz. Feel free to surf these sites. I plan to use them in class as practice. Most of them have a lesson attached so the students can read the grammar rules for each.
I hope it helps!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Prepositions - Intermediate


The following post is about prepositions, words like: of, to, in, at, on, from, for

You know how to use them for time and place:

Time: I was born in November
Place: I live in Dubai.


But we can also use prepositions with verbs, adjectives, and nouns to make the relationship between words and ideas more clear.

Verbs: In university, he specialized in computers.

Nouns: Abduallah is a bad student. He is always getting in trouble.

Adjectives: I am interested in learning English


Please view the following websites to practice:

This offers a good list of common adjectives, nouns, and verbs that take a preposition:

If you want an advanced list, please see:

Good luck in your studies !

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Grammar-Countability/Happiness Unit 11

Hi all,
Does anyone have interesting exercises on 'countability' (as mentioned in IELTS Foundation Unit 10) If you have any interactive online practices, please post them/send them/share them.
In addition, Happiness is on the menu for Unit 11. There are endless ways of discussing the true meaning of happiness with our students. A survey, once again, can invite students to meet other students and interview them about how they perceive happiness. It can include leisure time, school time, family time, friend time...etc...and alone time. Do students really know how to appreciate their own company? Do they fear being alone? Are they in constant need of social contact? Do they think about the happiness of a teenager the same age, living in a third world country? Do they understand that perhaps wealth only contributes to happiness but does not necessarily make one happy? There are endless discussions to be brought to the table especially in our surroundings. Students need to know that to be grateful brings happiness as a result.
Let's move forward.

Dear all,

Some people think that speaking too much can get one in trouble! I disagree! I think the more you speak while learning a language, the more you will learn, especially if it is a 'non native' speaking environment.
What are the best ways to improve speaking as a skill? How can students learn to be confident and not think about all the possible mistakes? How can students practice speaking in English outside the classroom? Positive reinforcement? More audio, movies and filed trips? How about a Western penpal? Get them to write to a teenager from another country? Would that interest you as a student?


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

LIbrary times!

Dear all,
Library periods may seem boring and long for the students. Reading is not an easy task for them. It ain't easy to get them to read for leisure or pleasure!
So with Margaret's help, we created this little video. It got them going.
Take a look and I hope you can do the same.

Sonja H.

sending again but on this blog!

G11 team,
I know I have already sent the link for creating charts and graphs with your students. I am sending it again, here, on the blog so that all may use it.
Happy charting!

Sonja H.

All the terms


I think I am beginning to learn the difference between a post, comment, and file.

