Tuesday, September 18, 2012

IELTS Reading - Tips & Tricks - Part 1

In order to do well on the exam, you're going to need to know what to expect, and how to best approach different types of questions.

Take a look at the tips and tricks sheets below.

IELTS Reading:

Multiple Choice

Identifying Information (T/F/NG)

Matching Information

Matching Headings

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Focus on IELTS Foundation - Chapter 1 Activities

Hey Grade 11, it is time to learn some IELTS!

Since you only have access to an e-Text this year, and can't write on it like a normal textbook, we have made some activity sheets linked to the chapters. Just download them, open them with Preview, and write your answers! Whe you are done, submit them to your teacher.

Vocabulary 01

Grammar 01

Reading 01
Reading 02

Speaking 01
Speaking 02

Sunday, May 13, 2012

IELTS Reading - Pre-Quiz Quiz!

It is time to prepare for the system wide quiz for Term 3. Here is a practice quiz that will help us see your level!

IELTS Reading - Term 3 SWQ1 Pre-Quiz (YNNG, Short Answers)

Thursday, May 10, 2012

IELTS Reading - Yes No Not Given

Figuring out opinions and the positions of writers can be tricky. On the IELTS Exam, on of the hardest question types to answer is "Task Type 8". Type eight has two forms - True/False/Not Given, and Yes/No/Not Given. It is the Yes/No/Not Given questions that focus on opinion based writing, and consequently, are some of the trickiest questions to answer.

Let's Practice!

Environment 01 (PDF)
Environment 02 (PDF)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

IELTS Reading - True False Not Given

Time to do some IELTS Reading!

Today the subject is "Health & Fitness." Each activity contains a set of True/False/Not Given questions for you to ponder.

Let's get started!