Sunday, January 29, 2012

Listening - Moon Landing

Time for some more Six Minute English!

Today we get to learn a little bit about the Moon Landing.

Download today's activity!

Monday, January 23, 2012

Listening - Mobile Phones

Time for some Six Minute English!

Today you will listen to a talk about Mobile Phones. After listening, complete the activity!

Six Minute English - Mobile Phones

IELTS Reading - Labeling a Diagram

Labeling a diagram can be pretty tough, so we thought it was high time for a little practice!

Here are some activities where you have to first read a text, then label a diagram, using information from the text!

A) Labeling a Diagram 01

B) Labeling a Diagram 02

C) Labeling a Diagram 03

Monday, January 16, 2012

IELTS Reading - Sentence Completion

Hey all! Now it is time for possibly the very hardest question type on the IELTS exam - Sentence Completion.

There are TWO versions of sentence completion, and one of those two can seem impossibly difficult. But don't worry, with practice, you will get the hang of it!

Today we are going to tart of with two "Sentence Completion" style activities.

A) Sentence Completion 01

B) Sentence Completion 02

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Reading - Money

Money is a funny thing, isn't it? Especially paper money. Is a $100 bill worth $100? Or do we just think it is?

Today we are going to read about the history of paper money, and then answer some questions.

Please download today's activity and get started!

Listening - Stone Money

Don't know anything about economics? Well, no fear, because in Term 2 we will be reading to, and listening to a lot of stuff connected to economics and money.

Today we have a podcast for you to listen to called "The Island of Stone Money" which was made by the Planet Money podcast.

After listening to the podcast, your task will be to write a 100 to 200 word summary of the show, where you describe:

A) What stone money is,
B) Why stone money is valuable, and
C) What money is.

*If the audio is loading too slowly, DOWNLOAD the file.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Listening - Cyber Crime

Today we are going to listen to a conversation with an FBI agent who will talk about the subject of "Cyber Crime". Here is what you have to do!

A) Download the activity files.

B) Open to the .mp3 and listen to the conversation.

C) Complete the vocabulary activity.

D) Complete the main activity, which includes IELTS formatted questions.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

IELTS Speaking - Making Notes


Today we will practice "taking notes" for the IELTS Speaking Exam - Part 2.

Please download this Keynote file, and get started!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

IELTS Speaking - Practice Conversation

Conversation practice time!

Today I want you to find a partner, and at least one of you must have a laptop.

Using iMovie or Quicktime, you are going to record you and your partner having a conversation. One of you will ask questions, and one of you will answer. Then you will switch!

Download this activity, and decide who is going to ask what questions. Then begin!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

IELTS Speaking - Part 2 Practice

Today we will practice the 2nd part of the IELTS speaking exam.

Here is what you will do:

A) Download this activity, and follow the instructions inside.*

B) Make sure you hand it in!

*You can either record the audio using MS Word's "Notebook" layout (This allows us to add "Audio Notes" to our assignments), our you can do a screen recording. Your choice!

Monday, January 2, 2012

New Year's Recollections

Good morning Grade 11! I hope you had a great holiday and a Happy New Year.

Let's start things off with something fun.

You assignment is to do a screen recording, where you:

A) Go to this website

B) Watch the slideshow and comment on the pictures. You need to read the caption, and tell me a few things about what is happening in the picture, or where it is taking place.

C) Remember to "Save As" iPod format before handing it in!