Sunday, April 29, 2012

Project - Preparing for a Job Interview

It's Term 3, and that means the school year is almost done. But you still have to do your project!

For our project this term, we will be preparing and practicing for a job interview. In this project, you will examine your own strengths, look at good and bad interview answers, and then do a live practice job interview. Each section of this project is worth 10 marks, and will constitute the project portion of your Term 3 mark.

PART 1 - Your Strengths
In Part 1, you will create a video essay where you discuss your strengths.

a) Open this document and follow the instructions.
b) Look at the example video essay below. This is what you will need to do.

Download the video
PART 2 - Good vs. Bad Interview Answers
In an interview it can be very easy to give a bad answer to a question, and a bad answer ensure that you will not get the job. In this part of the project, we will look at good answers and bad answers to common interview questions.

a) Open this document and follow the instructions.
b) Using a combination of Keynote and Photo Booth, you will create a video presentation where you will demonstrate good answers and bad answers to each interview question.

PART 3 - The Job Interview
In this part of the project, you will need to work with a partner. Your partner will pretend to be someone who is interviewing you for a job. You will record the interview using iMovie.

a) Open this document and follow the instructions.
b) Look at the example of a job interview below.

Download the video

Monday, April 16, 2012

Writing a Thesis - The Basics


Writing is tough, and the toughest part is knowing what to write about. At the beginning of an essay is the thesis, which is basically the "what" of the essay.

Writing a thesis is often the most difficult part of writing for most students. Today we are going to look at what makes a good thesis, and break the task down and make it easier to under stand.

Here are the first three activities!

1) Debatable vs. Non-Debatable

2) Narrow vs. Broad

3) Types of Claims

Listening - Al Gore Warns on Latest Climate Trends

Listen to Al Gore talk about the latest concerns in climate science. (7:49)

Best viewed using Firefox.
Download the video

Respond to the video here.